Thursday, August 13, 2020

Left Handed Day!

Yes I do love being left handed. I write, eat, knit, crochet and everything else left handed. My one exception would be when I use a computer. I use the mouse with my right hand. I did discover that using a mouse with my right hand does have a very useful advantage for me. If I need to to take notes on anything the pen and paper are ready to go! So very efficient!

My biggest struggle as a lefty is using cutting tools. Knives, believe it or not, are many times sharpened in a way that works best for right handed people. Most of you wouldn't know that. Other kitchen tools like spatulas and ladles are made most times for the right handed. We lefties learn to cope and move on. In the grand scheme of things it's small stuff. 

So I plan on taking the rest of the day to enjoy my left handed holiday with some left handed knitting so I can avoid other chores because who wants to do those, right?

Back with more again soon. Take care and stay cozy!

This post has Zazzle affiliate links. The left handed attitude is my own.

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