So yesterday Zazzle and today Amazon, continued sharing of things that are fitting anytime but especially during National Crochet Month. Today I found some items that are useful and fun.

Obviously you can't crochet without hooks. I wish these ergonomic handle were around when I started crocheting. Now I have duplicates of many sizes but I still want a set of these.
If you are just beginning a set is a good place to start. With many sizes you can easily change hooks as needed to get the fabric and drape you want from your work or get the proper gauge for a pattern you are making. Gauge is critical to ensure fit and yarn amounts required to produce your project.

Next item is a book known as a stitchionary to knitters and crocheters. I have this book myself and use it often. When I want to design a new project like a scarf browsing these stitches in a book like this can help you find the perfect combination of stitches for the look you want. A book like this will have solid stitch patterns and lacy ones. Beginners and old hookers alike can find useful information in a book like this.

There are many ways to mark important parts of a crochet pattern as you are working. If you are frugal you may use a bit of contrasting color scrap yarn. Paper clips or safety pins can be handy too. These can be used to make rows or repeated sections of a pattern to help you stay on track. They are used as visual markers to make stitch counting easier. If you have ever had to frog a project about half done because you see that 10 rows back you messed up ( not say that I have every done that, just kidding, all crocheters have ) markers may have helped if you used them in the first place. If you want to treat yourself these pretty ones would be nice.

Finally a couple fun items, a t shirt and a pop socket. I didn't know what pop sockets were until I saw my granddaughter using one on her phone. I you are a digital pattern saver a pop socket could be uses to prop up your phone or tablet so you can see your pattern. But if you binge Netflix while crocheting like I do it could prop up your phone or tablet so you can easily keep watching while creating.
Back with more again soon. Take care and stay cozy!
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