Monday, July 27, 2020

Forty Four Years Already!

Forty four years ago last Friday I was married to Jim. The time has flown by or dragged on and on at times because marriage isn't perfect all the time but overall it has been good and I wouldn't trade a minute of it. Well maybe a couple minutes but I'll not go there today. 

Under the current quarantine out celebration was certainly different this year. We usually travel in July to celebrate. Other years have found us on cruises or road trips. Not this year. We were at home where I fixed us a nice steak dinner and that was fine. Where we are is not as important as that we are still together, still in love and still aware of how special our relationship is.

I would have posted about this special day on Friday but Century link internet was down at my house that day. 

I don't keep a lot of pictures around but Jim tends to and this one taken the day it all began is on his home office desk.

Back with more again soon. Take care and stay cozy!