Did you find anything great today?
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Amazing Creation
Did you find anything great today?
Friday, October 30, 2009
Almost Here
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
So Gray!
This puts a layer of dirt all over everything - cars, outdoor furniture, just everything that is outdoors. As visibility drops it can get dangerous to drive. If you combine the visibility issues with the wind problems for high profile vehicles and the freeways become much more dangerous.
It is supposed to continue for the next several hours and our temperatures tomorrow will be about 20 degrees lower, that is in the 60's. The only good part of this is that we may get a bit of rain.
Monday, October 26, 2009
This is....
Happy birthday Lisa and many, many more!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Something Good

Friday, October 23, 2009
So Tired.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Never Again
Never again. Those are the words I heard this weekend. A guest room is being painted and carpeted in my house to make a cozy place for visitors. For at least two people we will have a bed rather than air mattresses on the floor. Jim's home office was moved from that bedroom to the formal dining area of our living room. We don't do formal often enough to keep that space as is anyway. The move involved taking down the head damaging chandelier and putting up a new ceiling fan with a light fixture on it. the ceiling fan installation did not go real smoothly even though Jim is a very talented handy guy. The box said "The 5 Minute Fan". The box lied.
So now there are two things that will happen here when hell freezes over, I find an eye wrinkle cream that works or pigs fly. The first is laying a travertine stone floor and the second is installing another ceiling fan.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
House of Night
To keep their House of Night fans up to date you can find out all the latest in the usual spots on line. I have the video embedded for you here. If you want more than that you can hear an audio of the first chapter and browse the latest on the House of Night Fan Page on Facebook.
What are you waiting for? Click the links, explore and enjoy. I already did.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Lighten Up!
Lighting goes a very long way to creating a feeling in rooms I have discovered. I have only purchased a couple of the lamps in our home. They are pieces that I love. Others have been hand me downs or gifted or ugly contractor standard things that came with a house when bought it and not always what I would have chosen for myself.
What would I choose? Well let's do my favorite thing. You know a bit of browsing or internet window shopping.
Moving on into by bedroom I don't know about you but I want a pretty beside lamp. I like to read in bed and having a lamp on the nightstand would be perfect. I have a lot of blue in my room and this one on the left would fit right in. For a tiffany style lamp the color on the shade is a bit softer than some of the stained glass shades with lots of bright colors. It might be a bit large for that purpose but I do like it. What do you think?
Did you like window shopping with me today?
She turned 27 this year and like me this birthday kind of bothered her. I didn't mind turning 30 or 40 or even 50 but for some reason I remember being rather depressed on my 27 th birthday. Maybe it has something to do with being firmly in your late 20's and being forced to accept that in the eyes of the world you are expected to be a competent grownup. You have to spend time worrying about all those adult things like auto insurance, health insurance, caring for kids and hoping for the best in their education, taxes, spouses, home, jobs and on and on and on. You believe that this is drudgery is your life for the next 50 to 60 years or so.
However each stage from wife to mother to grandma, from busy house and jobs to empty nest has its own joys and challenges and it will all be okay. Like I did, Cindy will get over this slight bump and get very comfortable with who she is and how old she is. I am certain of that.
Do you remember an age that really bothered you? Why? I love when my readers share their stories. Tell me yours.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Just for Me
Do the experts, who ever they are, still say that tomato stuff is good for heart health especially for men? If so I got you taken care of honey.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Great Weekend
My weekend was busy and fun and I hope yours was too. On Saturday we went up to Payson. That drive seems to be a regular one for us on the weekends. We stopped at the fruit stand again as they were getting ready to close for the day. When a tired vendor of fruits and vegetables is getting ready to pack up and go home it is a good time to shop. We got almost 2 cases of tomatoes, a case of apples, some pears and some potatoes all for $10! I have spent today making tomato sauce and trying out drying some of the tomatoes in the oven. Tomorrow I am going to make some apple pies to go in the freezer for Thanksgiving when we will have a houseful.
Sunday was spent getting cars washed and going to the Cardinals game. We were treated to seats in a suite by Jim’s boss. (Thank you Tony!) It was a nail biter fourth quarter but the defense really saved the game. It was so much fun to be in the crowd on a winning day.We had a small brush with fame after the game. We ended up at the elevators at the same time as John McCain and one of his daughters. Jim shook his hand. I didn’t get the camera out and ask for a picture because I figure every one needs a day off. We wondered later if senators have some secret safety products to protect them when needed when they are out in public. There were some quiet guys in suits around but I really don’t know if they were part of his group or not.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Silly Sounds Making Smiles
Once I wrote a post on the EtsyBloggers team blog for a shop named Hello Pineapples. Just saying it made me grin. Then there are the cute things kids say. For example last week on our way to dinner in Tooele with our tenants my granddaughter asked, "Why do they have two willas?"
What was it that put these silly things in my mind today? I ran across the word Kettlebells. I think it would make a good replacement word for others that should not be said in front of the little ones in your life.
What words make you smile?
Thursday, October 8, 2009
You Choose Dear
Autumn Leaves
This picture says fall to me. It was taken in October a couple years ago on a trip we took between Utah and Arizona in Zion National Park. We had stopped to take pictures at a view point of the cliffs there. I looked down and saw the beautiful autumn colors in this bush and it was added to our collection of pictures of the day.
If these colors and shapes say fall or autumn to you let me show you some of the items for sale on ArtFire that echo these things.
So tell me what says autumn to you?
Are you interested in becoming a seller on Artfire? If so I would be honored if you used my referral link.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
We did have a good time with those that we were able to see. Don't tell Hilton Hotels but we had three stowaways in our room on Sunday night. They think it is a special thing to come to the hotel and spend the night with the grandparents.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
something new
I have always disliked the look of the few fonts available by default from Blogger. They all seem cold and businesslike.
A couple days ago I saw the little button on my desktop for Windows Live Writer. My distractible self went off on a couple hours of exploring the possibilities. I wondered if I could use lots of fonts with this software? Guess what? Every font on my computer can be used and shows up on Blogger.
I like the script styling and dare I say cozier look of this one. I think it fits me much better that Courier, Times New Roman or Georgia. What do you think? Is it easy on the eyes and easy to read?
I like it for now anyway and I hope you do too.