I have found a
fun place to help me build great room with lots of choices to set my own style. That is I guess if I ever really set my own style. I change my mind a lot. It is the Gemini in me. What seems perfect one day needs to be freshened up the next.
Lighting goes a very long way to creating a feeling in rooms I have discovered. I have only purchased a couple of the lamps in our home. They are pieces that I love. Others have been hand me downs or gifted or ugly contractor standard things that came with a house when bought it and not always what I would have chosen for myself.
What would I choose? Well let's do my favorite thing. You know a bit of browsing or internet window shopping.

I would love to have this
bathroom light fixture on the right in my own master bathroom. What do I like about it? I like the finish of the metal. I like the number or lights. I also like that the shades are facing down. I think having the lights down puts the light where you need it and is easier to keep clean. If you have a smaller room I saw these in variations of two or three lights. Another reason I like this is the shape. Curved designs always seem to appeal to me.

Moving on into by bedroom I don't know about you but I want a pretty beside lamp. I like to read in bed and having a lamp on the nightstand would be perfect. I have a lot of blue in my room and this one on the left would fit right in. For a
tiffany style lamp the color on the shade is a bit softer than some of the stained glass shades with lots of bright colors. It might be a bit large for that purpose but I do like it. What do you think?

It is just one of my strange ways of thinking that I guess that I like bedrooms and living room lighting and furnishings done in more traditional styles and
desk or office area lighting and furnishings with a more sleek or modern feel. That is why this metal, jointed desk lamp is my third choice to show you today. I also like this kind of lamp for sewing areas too. You can stretch it out or swivel the lamp to get light just where you need it. That is something much needed and very convenient for this old bifocal wearer.
Did you like window shopping with me today?
I like the first bathroom light fixture. Lighting really sets the mood for a room.