Monday, October 12, 2009

Great Weekend

My weekend was busy and fun and I hope yours was too. On Saturday we went up to Payson. That drive seems to be a regular one for us on the weekends. We stopped at the fruit stand again as they were getting ready to close for the day. When a tired vendor of fruits and vegetables is getting ready to pack up and go home it is a good time to shop. We got almost 2 cases of tomatoes, a case of apples, some pears and some potatoes all for $10! I have spent today making tomato sauce and trying out drying some of the tomatoes in the oven. Tomorrow I am going to make some apple pies to go in the freezer for Thanksgiving when we will have a houseful.

DSCN2461 Sunday was spent getting cars washed and going to the Cardinals game. We were treated to seats in a suite by Jim’s boss. (Thank you Tony!) It was a nail biter fourth quarter but the defense really saved the game. It was so much fun to be in the crowd on a winning day.We had a small brush with fame after the game. We ended up at the elevators at the same time as John McCain and one of his daughters. Jim shook his hand. I didn’t get the camera out and ask for a picture because I figure every one needs a day off. We wondered later if senators have some secret safety products to protect them when needed when they are out in public. There were some quiet guys in suits around but I really don’t know if they were part of his group or not.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow, what an exciting weekend!!! Senator, game, good bargains--can't really beat that!!

    Glad you had a great time! Thanks for sharing ~Mary
