Friday, November 13, 2020

It's Official

It's official. This morning I was notified that I have Covid. My husband found out yesterday that he was positive. Right now I feel I owe the universe an apology. He had a "cold" for a couple days. As soon as I noticed his symptoms I told him to get a test. He kept telling me it was "just a cold". Yesterday morning I asked one more time and he said the same thing. This time I said, "Prove it." So he arranged for a test after a few words from him about getting me off his back. I feel bad that I didn't get him to go sooner. He is a stubborn SOB sometimes. What I feel really bad about is that he was going to work those first few days. 

His workplace will be notifying everyone he may have been in contact with and of course the county health department will know about us too. Now we have been told to quarantine for 10 days. I am a homebody so I am okay with that. He gets antsy though and before the end of our 10 days if he is feeling better I may have to tie him to his recliner to keep him home. 

I had a headache and an annoying tickle in my throat yesterday which are things really rare for me. As soon as we knew his results I was able to be tested too. By last night I added a low fever and some body aches to my symptoms. Over all so far this is not too bad but I do feel tired and I hate having a headache especially the kind where your eyes hurt too. Know what I mean?

He still says that it just feels like a cold for him but he does have a cough with this that I don't. The difference may be that he is a smoker and I am not. Speaking of which it was a bit tense around here when he figured out that he did not have enough cigarettes to get through our quarantine time. He couldn't just ask a buddy from work to drop some off because he has always hidden his smoking from everyone at work. I am not sure how big a secret is really is since smokers smell but he believes his secret is safe. Our daughter who lives 5 hours away bought a couple cartons for him and is sending them overnight via UPS. Don't even ask what the shipping for this costs. Let's just say that the shipping for 2 cartons was more than the cost of one carton.

I like to think that I will be back to update here as we go through this but I am not going to make any promises.

I do hope you and yours are all safe and healthy.

Back with more again soon. Take care and stay cozy!

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