Friday, February 26, 2010

Busy and Proud

Wow! I don't remember a time recently so crammed with deadlines and expectations.  It did however include a trip to Salt Lake, getting taxes done, closing on a house, errands to check on our house after a storm, sending off my first sale on Zibbet, getting a cashiers check for closing and needing to go to two different bank branches to get it and getting the thing to the title company. Can I tell you that the holders of 2nd mortgages can be a royal pain? They expect you to wait patiently for their approval and then get everything done like yesterday.

Oh yeah, I did mention my first Zibbet sale right? It was from a lovely customer that started out with one and ended up with 5 of my headbands. You can see the ones she choose below. We had a few strange problems with the shopping cart but I am assured by the folks that run the site the problems will be solved soon.


  1. Congrats on the sale!!!! The red and black look like BACA colors to me. We will have to try to head south sometime this year to see you.

  2. wow! Great sale ... And love the headbands :)

  3. You are welcome any time, Sis.
    To TiLT, thanks for the kind words.
