Friday, June 24, 2022

Friday Favorite Pine Tree Art on Etsy

I love watercolor art. I think watercolor art is soothing. You don't see bold angry colors like you can find in oil painting. I favorite a lot of artists on Etsy because just looking at what they are able to do makes me say wow.

Today I am sharing Pine Tree Art by Jim Lagasse. This shop has been on Etsy since 2009 and has sales numbering in the thousands and it is so easy to see why. Just take a look below.

The words of this artist from the shop Pine Tree Art,
I love painting any kind of watercolors. Birch trees are my favorite.. Each tree has a different story. Catching your eye is my goal. Please feel free to contact me with your opinions. I love to hear them. I also do commission work so if there is something I can help you with please ask. Thank you for looking at my shop today...

If you want a link to social media, this artist is on twitter  at A Maine Artist.

Hey reader(s?), I invite you to leave a link to your favorite Etsy artists in the comments. I would love to see some new finds because if I ever win the lottery I am going to buy all the art.

Back with more again soon. Take care and stay cozy!

Monday, June 20, 2022

What's On My Hook?

I ordered cones of size 10 cotton and have been crocheting market bags in the evenings while Jim and I watch something on Netflix or Prime Video together. 

I ordered 5 colors, red, green, pink, blue and purple. These will get listed in my Etsy shop when they are finished and photographed. Some of them have already modeled for me and have a place there. Some have sold to some very happy customers too.

To see what market bags are currently available click this (link).

Back with more again soon. Take care and stay cozy!