I am confessing to some guilt as well. Why? Let me see if I can clarify for you and myself. Do you remember a saying that goes something like "If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem?" I do and if you do that's good and if it is new to you maybe you will find it useful. Anyway I figured out that by not voting on an issue I find important over these last many years makes me part of the problem. I believe that on a national, not state or local, we need to improve our gun laws. I have voted twice in my life, once at 18 and in 2008 for Barack Obama. All the other times I just figured the country would move along, taking care of what needed to be done and my vote wouldn't really matter. My guilt comes from not making my stand with at the very least a simple vote. It does matter.
It matters because if more people like me voted maybe we wouldn't have our chaotic commander in chief. It matters because maybe the assault weapons ban of the 90's would have been strengthened rather that allowed to expire in 2004. It matters because maybe a healthcare system that was working for so many could have been improved rather that gutted. Even if a majority on a given issue doesn't agree with me my vote means I have a voice at the table. At the table is where compromise and progress can take place.

You can't complain if you don't vote. One of the speakers yesterday said it is time to REV up. Let's do this!
Back with more again soon. Take care and stay cozy!
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