I would like to have the wit of Dooce come through these fingers. I would love to be as useful as Tip Junkie and even more I would be proud to be as amusing as Cake Wrecks.
With audiences like those sites have maybe I would have to deal with a lot of new details in my daily life. I might have to think about getting a personal assistant. If Heather can call hers Tyrant I think mine should be the Dictator. It is what I need. That and maybe , a personal driver, invitations to fabulous events and a book deal.
Then again maybe a page rank of 3 and the followers I have are just right. I like looking at you guys over there in the sidebar. Say hello more often, ok?
LOL, I don't have a successful blog either, but I think I just don't have anything groundbreaking to say daily. I like to follow the "lower ranking" blogs, the ones that show a little insight into the thinking of the blog owner, most big blogs deal with merchandise, trends, often empty bubbles anyway.
ReplyDeleteJust carry on and keep writing.
Thanks for the encouragement. I follow lots of blogs both big and small. My Google Reader list is well over 1000. Thank goodness not all of them write every day or I could never keep up. I like having a little peek into how people think, feel, and get through their days.