I have had an ambitious plan that when I get my new house projects done I will get my self into more regular routines with my crafts and shops. I got a couple more rooms of curtains done yesterday and slipcovers for some throw pillows that were looking kind of worn out. The goal is to have all these things taken care of by the end of this week. Living in this house so far feels really good.
My goal is by next week to get into a regular and reasonable sleep schedule. I was doing that during our move and liked it. I went to bed about 9 and got up between 5 and 6 with no alarm clock. I kept moving through the days while Jim was at work and amazed myself on how much I got done on my own. I kind of messed up on that last night but am determined not to get off track because of one day.
The routine felt really good. My energy levels stayed consistent throughout the day. I did not wake up protesting and groggy with
dark circle under eyes. After getting dressed and getting something to eat I just kept moving.
This new house is two story. My sewing room in upstairs. Our master bedroom is downstairs on the main floor. My plan is to go upstairs to work each day as if I was going to a job. Is it silly that I seem to need to play these little mind games with myself? I have found that having the radio on helps my mood and energy as well. Also my weakness when it comes to distractions is turning on the television. I sit down to catch some news and knit or crochet for and hour or so midday and the afternoon is gone before I know it. I have such a backlog of finished items that need to be photographed and listed it isn't funny.
That will be fixed soon. I saved a special section of my new craft room right by some sunny windows so that no matter what the weather is I should be able to take pictures up here nearly every day. My computer is back in my craft room now too so I don't have to go all over the place to take pictures, see how they are, do editing and prepare listings. I should be a one room, one woman, efficient sweatshop from now on.
Oh yeah except my planned start, which was next Monday,for this new going to work idea is pushed back a day because I found out that I have to be at our rental for carpet installation next Monday.
Back to the curtain sewing now.