Sunday, August 25, 2024

Knitting, Feathers and Fans

My sisters and I have formed a group we are calling 3 Busy Sisters. We plan to do craft shows together and all 3 of us are starting to get things made to make this possible. So far I have tagged and ready to go dishcloths, hot pads, market shopping bags, headbands and some prequilted baby blanket panels that I put a crocheted trim on. 

Next up to prepare to be shown off and sold are some baby/toddler afghans. I have 6 done in red, teal, 2 yellow and one pink and yarn ready for 2 more in white and gray.

The most recent finish is the pink one in a very traditional pattern of feathers and fans. I am pleased with how they all turned out. Now I just have to spend some time taking care of the dreaded ends needing woven in.

Back with more again soon.
Take care and stay cozy!
If you shop on Amazon you can use the affiliate link below if you wish. I could earn a bit from qualified purchases and that means more yarn for me and many thanks to you!

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Scotland, Kilts and Pants

Jim and I took a tour of Scotland recently. It was one of the best trips of my life. Bagpipes, castles, haggis (which I discovered I like), men in kilts, the best tour guide, breathtaking landscapes, great companions in our group and more, so very much more. 

The best laugh on the trip and I hope I can make you smile if I tell it right. It starts with a beautiful soul who was our bus or coach as it seemed to be called in Scotland, driver. He went a long way to add joy to our trip. The first few days he wore a different kilt each day and looked very handsome in them. We all were looking forward to seeing what he wore each morning when we met the coach to start our days excursions. On our last day with this driver, he wore pants instead. One of the lovely ladies in our group came out of the hotel saw the day's outfit and said, "JP, I didn't recognize you with your pants on!" The laughter among us set the mood for the rest of the day. 

Gonna load this up with some pictures now. Glimpses of what we saw over the trip in no particular order.

Back with more again soon.
Take care and stay cozy!
If you shop on Amazon you can use the affiliate link below if you wish. I could earn a bit from qualified purchases and that means more yarn for me and many thanks to you!

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Going North and Higher

Earlier this month we took a trip to Flagstaff. The purpose was to try and escape the heat at home. It was warm in town but we did find a place to actually be outside and cool. We rode the Arizona Gondola at Snowbowl to the top of the mountain. We found some chairs and just sat for nearly an hour enjoying the view and the cool mountain breezes. It felt so good!

During our trip we stayed at Twin Arrows Hotel and Casino which is actually about 20 minutes east of Flagstaff on I 40. The rooms were clean and nice. The casino let Jim come out ahead. The restaurants at the hotel were okay but Flagstaff wasn't far away, and we had some of our meals in town while being tourists. The lobby was beautiful, and I enjoyed quiet moments there while waiting for Jim to meet me.

How has your summer been so far? Are you somewhere that has had problems with extreme heat? If so, I recommend you find the easiest way you can to get to a breezy mountain top if only for a little while. It was so worth it for me.

Back with more again soon.
Take care and stay cozy!
If you shop on Amazon you can use the affiliate link below if you wish. I could earn a bit from qualified purchases and that means more yarn for me and many thanks to you!

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Making Progress

My Wild Horse Cardigan is moving right along. It seems a rumpled mess now because the fronts and neckline are gathered on my needles to work the shawl collar. I do love the soothing rhythm of many rows of garter stitch and the squish factor of the humble stitch. I have tried it on after the sleeves were done and they fit well and were the perfect length. I am pleased with the length of the body too. I haven't actually knit a sweater since the early 1980's. I am not sure why I waited so long to do such a rewarding project for myself.

The rag rug project continues too. I switch back and forth to help my hands not get so worn out and sore from repetition. Maybe I get some pictures of that next week.

Back with more again soon.
Take care and stay cozy!
If you shop on Amazon you can use the affiliate link below if you wish. I could earn a bit from qualified purchases and that means more yarn for me and many thanks to you!

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Of Course I Started a New Project

I always have multiple projects going at any given time. Over the last few days after looking at my scap bins and realizing I have more than enough to make what I had in mind I got started. What I had in mind was rag rugs done with two ply fabric yarn. To make my yarn I need one inch wide strips that are at least 12 inches long to be useful. I spent time sorting scraps and piles of old sheets and other fabric given to me by my sisters. I set aside any scraps not good enough to make strips but could possibly work later in scrap quilts. 

Here's where I am so far...

A pile of fabrics waiting to be made into strips.

Strips waiting to become fabric yarn.

Yarn beginning to become a rug.

The method is simple. To start I get 2 strips and put a knot very close to the end. Remember I am left-handed for this next part. Imagine the strips being upper and lower. I twist, with my right hand, the upper strip away from me and then bring it forward and down. I now have a new upper strip and I do the same thing. Twist it away from me and then bring it forward and down. To add a new strip overlap old and new strip about 4 or 5 inches. That will make sure your yarn doesn't easily come apart. Try to stagger the joins so you don't have that double layer thickness in both your upper and lower strips at the same time. There is a lot of twist in my new yarn so after I have made several yards of yarn I stand up and run the yarn through my hands from the old to new end to get the excess twist out.

Next step is to crochet the new yarn. I use a very big hook and single crochet. I find it is easier on my hands to make some yarn and then crochet and go back and forth so my hands get a break. I have made 3 of these rugs so far and plan on making more, that is as long as I can give scrap fabric a life extension before it ends up in a land fill. In some of my first rugs I used some of Jims old shirts that were stained and frayed at collar and cuffs so they weren't donatable. Any lightweight woven fabric will work. 

I love these rugs. I kept the first on for myself and it is holding up very well after a few years of use and machine washing and drying. The rugs I make are heavy and cushion your feet very nicely when you stand on them. I plan on having a couple of these at the craft shows I will be doing with my sisters later this year. I wouldn't ever put them online because shipping would be too much.

In other crafting news I finished one sleeve and started another on a top down raglan cardigan I will be finishing to take with me to Scotland later this year. I also put some more rows on a red baby blanket.

I am looking forward to, while being a bit anxious about, the presidential debate later this week. I don't know if these things ever change minds. I know my mind can't be changed and I am now and always will be a democrat, so I am rooting for Joe. To me the choice is clear between a crazy wanna be dictator and the man who actually cares about the middle class and doesn't want it to disappear.

Back with more again soon.
Take care and stay cozy!
If you shop on Amazon you can use the affiliate link below if you wish. I could earn a bit from qualified purchases and that means more yarn for me and many thanks to you!

Sunday, June 16, 2024

It's Been a Minute

Yes, no blogging since April. Since then, we have gone to a wedding, took a trip to Hawaii with a granddaughter and considered and then dismissed the idea of a second home in a cooler place.

The wedding was an enjoyable day and I wish the couple well. They seemed so young to be taking on all the grownup possibilities that life can throw at you. Maybe that is just because I am so old. (I turned 69 last week.)

Our trip to Hawaii was wonderful. We went to Oahu. Our activities included a Pearl Harbor visit, a tour of the island including the Dole Pineapple Plantation, horseback riding at Kualoa Ranch, a luau and of course a beach day. Granddaughter would love to go back and said she would even like to live there. Who knows, maybe she will.

We are facing another very hot summer here, possibly record setting and the thought of a cooler place up north sounded very appealing. We considered properties in Mayer, Cottonwood, Camp Verde, Show Low, Pinetop-Lakeside, Snowflake and Payson. We were very close to putting in an offer on a lovely home surrounded by towering trees. After a pretty much sleepless night spent discussing our values and needs and crunching numbers we decided 2 homes just was not a good idea and we love the home we are in now.

If you read here much you know I like to collect pinecones on my walks. On our house hunting trip I picked up a couple to bring home. I have these sitting on my desk where I can see them every day. I just put them on the laptop for their photo shoot. Aren't they pretty?

Back with more again soon.
Take care and stay cozy!
If you shop on Amazon you can use the affiliate link below if you wish. I could earn a bit from qualified purchases and that means more yarn for me and many thanks to you!

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

On a Walk

On a walk 7 years ago today I saw this plant in all its springtime glory. The exuberance of spring is always amazing to me. In our yard now the yellow flowers are coming out in the Palo Verde tree and the bees are loving it and the hibiscus in the backyard is blooming.

Most exciting to me, maybe because I am easily impressed, is that our lemon tree has fruit on it for the first time since it was planted. I am so looking forward to having fresh lemons just outside the door. Maybe I'll even have enough to share. 

I'll be busy in other places for a bit so I will try, note to self - please do it, to get pictures of all this good stuff when I have more time for such activities in a couple weeks. 

Over on X I am posting wildflower affiliate links from Amazon today. You might see something you like there.

Back with more again soon.
Take care and stay cozy!
If you shop on Amazon you can use the affiliate link below if you wish. I could earn a bit from qualified purchases and that means more yarn for me and many thanks to you!