Sunday, June 30, 2024

Making Progress

My Wild Horse Cardigan is moving right along. It seems a rumpled mess now because the fronts and neckline are gathered on my needles to work the shawl collar. I do love the soothing rhythm of many rows of garter stitch and the squish factor of the humble stitch. I have tried it on after the sleeves were done and they fit well and were the perfect length. I am pleased with the length of the body too. I haven't actually knit a sweater since the early 1980's. I am not sure why I waited so long to do such a rewarding project for myself.

The rag rug project continues too. I switch back and forth to help my hands not get so worn out and sore from repetition. Maybe I get some pictures of that next week.

Back with more again soon.
Take care and stay cozy!
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