Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Travel Tips for Vietnam

There are millions maybe of travel blogs and vlogs with lots of information for travelers for anywhere in the world you wish to go. I am not a travel blog although I share my travels here. These opinions and tips are from a lady who is lucky enough to go someplace very special one or two times a year.

Today I have a couple tips for traveling in Vietnam. 

The first one is of a personal nature, and I also found this on our tour company's website. It is this: stock up on travel packets of tissues and hand sanitizer that easily fit in your purse or backpack. You may and we did a couple times, find yourself in a restroom that has no toilet paper and if they don't have that then they don't have paper towels for drying your hands either. 

My second tip is to buy a couple fans from a street vendor. I did and when you find yourself in a very warm crowded market or anywhere on a warm day a bit of fresh breeze you can do for yourself can make it more comfortable. We bought two and I am glad we did. Jim was not a fan of them like I was, so I found myself with one to share with someone who was struggling with the heat and needed some water and to cool off a bit more than once. I was happy to be able to help.

Back with more again soon.
Take care and stay cozy!

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