Coming as soon as I weave in some ends on these. That bit of crocheting you see below is market bags hot off the hook. They will join others already in the shop CozyAtoZ on Etsy. To see those use this (link).
I have more thread too. In the future I will be listing green, pink and lavender bags. I love making these and they are useful in so many ways. During the pandemic I kept one of these bags on a hook by the front door. I used it to hold clean masks and little hand sanitizer bottles. These bags have an amazing amount of stretch. My son and daughter in law use them lake side when camping. They are great for carrying your sunscreen and towel to the beach. You could use these bags to bring home goodies from the local farmer's market or to carry your books to and from the library.
Also new around here are the plant in the backyard. All of them that Jim planted are doing well so far. The foxglove attracted my eyes this morning. Aren't they lovely?
What is new from your hands or garden? Would love to hear from you in the comments.
Back with more again soon.
Take care and stay cozy!