Friday, February 7, 2020

Making Fabric Twine

Quite some time ago I came across and article about making fabric twine or yarn from fabric scraps or old clothes. I just had to try it and so I got started. I could be a hoarder but I keep old clothes that I know are too used to go to thrift shops. I have made rag rugs with these materials but haven't ever tried spinning twine.

If this sounds interesting to you check out the same article on My Poppet Makes blog. The article is filled with tips and pictures to make it so easy to understand the process. One thing I will warn you about is that this process can take a toll on your hands and fingers. I seem to be okay with about an hour or so a day.

After setting this project aside for awhile I started again this week and love seeing the twine I have made grow. I have a soft spot in my heart for scrappy things whether in quilts or yarny projects. I plan on crocheting the twine I make into some large tote bags. I think it would make a really cute shopping bag since more and more cities are banning single use plastic bags.

Check out what I have so far.

Back with more again soon. Take care and stay cozy!


  1. WOW! Sounds like a lot of fun....if your hands and mind can take it! :-))

    1. So far so good and I have started crocheting a rug with what I have made so far. The design for the tote bag I want to make is still being edited in my mind so I have to make a lot more.
