For Today...
I am being slow and thoughtful. Not much going on as I process what I want from this year.
Outside my window...
Snow is falling. I can look through the branches of the tree in the front yard and see up the mountain to the Snow King Resort.
Lots of jumbled thoughts. What should I make? What's for dinner? What can I do to improve my Etsy shop to keep me comfortable in yarn money?
I am thankful...
....to have woken up in a small safe town in a house that is cozy and warm. Today it is just that simple.
I am wearing...
I am not wearing anything special, just my winter uniform of jeans and a sweater with cozy socks on my feet.
I am creating...
I have been exploring sock patterns. I have never knit a pair before and I want to make some for myself.
I am going...
I am going to have to get myself to the grocery store sometime this week. The freezer and the pantry are getting bare. I always put this chore off for as long as possible.
I am wondering...
I am wondering how the grandkids are doing at their first days back to school after Christmas break. I will call them soon to find out.
I am reading...
Twilight in the Desert by Matthew R. Simmons
I have a lot of books (8 in fact) on the shelf above my computer that I have read last year and want to blog about but didn't. I plan to fix that in the coming weeks. I do a lot of reading on planes and when we travel.
I am hoping...
A bit of very personal stuff here. As a mother who hurts when her kids struggle I am hoping to find serenity, acceptance, courage and wisdom as a son attempts to find sanity and sobriety.
I am learning...
I am learning more and more every day about the making and construction of hand knit socks. I have settled on toe up construction since it makes the most sense to me. Thanks to all the folks on Ravelry who are such a great source of information and inspiration.
In my garden...
Is a layer of snow protecting the flowering plants I will share with you later this year. Inside for color I have some African Violets that cheer me up.
In my kitchen... In my kitchen is a pan of brownies with a few missing that I baked yesterday for Jim's birthday.A favorite quote for today...
If not now, when?
A peek into one of my days...
Not much to see here. A simple housewife's day. A few chores, dinner planned, some creative time, some online time, the pleasure of a hot cup of tea and Netflix in the background.
One of my favorite things...
...... is a group of friendly ladies I am part of who call ourselves Group2020. We share promotions of our shops and bits about ourselves on our bulletin board. I look forward to a bit of chatter with them everyday.
From the board room...
This board shows some of the great things handmade by the friends in Group2020 that I mentioned before.
Post Script*
There you have it. My first attempt at a Simple Woman's Daybook post. There will be more. The link here will lead you to the page where you can find others doing the same as I did today. Go there to read or join in.
Back here again soon. Promise.
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