Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Plumcot or Pluot?

Have you tried this lovely fruit? I didn't know the pluot or plumcot existed until this Sunday. We stopped at a fruit stand in Payson and the gentleman selling fruits and vegetables suggested it. The pluot as he called it is a cross between plums and apricots. It has a wonderful texture and is very sweet and it is just so danged pretty.
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  1. We call them pluots. They are so yummy! In fact, there are some in my fridge right now, and I think I may just need to go and cut one up here in a bit. I also call them awesome.

  2. Wow...never heard of them...but they sure do look yummy!

  3. Never heard of it but it sure does look good!

  4. I HAVE had those before, but not for several years. I must go in search of some.

  5. You make it look pretty; even if I did not like the taste of the one my Dh brought home. But I am weird that way, I guess.

  6. Don't know what they called.. but they look yummy!!
