Monday, September 22, 2008

Ah Sleeping Babies


Is there anything more beautiful or peaceful than a sleeping child. This picture of my granddaughter was taken after a day of traveling on our trip from Arizona to Utah awhile back. I found a fairly new shop on Etsy with the same feelings I have about this photo shown in the art displayed here. It is the only thing in Sunshine Diva's shop right now but if this is how it starts I can't wait to see more!

What about you? Have you checked out Etsy lately for talented newcomers? On the Etsy homepage you can choose the Pounce feature. It will show you recently updated shops that have not had any sales yet. You may just find something that makes you say "Wow!"


  1. There really isn't anything more beautiful than a sleeping child. I have been known to watch my boy sleep for hours.

