Well he came about 10 a.m. yesterday with a box of grout mix. The plan was baseboards in the bathroom and grout so it could be sealed and done today. So much for plans. He had to leave at 2 p.m. for a dentist appointment because a filling had fallen out and he was in pain. I am sorry this happened to him but once again frustrated by another day basically lost.
The baseboard wasn't finished so no sealing today. He keeps wanting me to acknowledge what a hard worker he is but that is just a joke. My husband is at work before Guido gets here and isn't home until he is gone. You tell me who works a longer, harder day. One day Guido said to me that he would work late so he could get a lot done. Guess what his idea of late was- only 5:30. Jim got home from his job more than an hour later than that after a work day that started at 6:00 a.m.
I am just so frustrated by this process. I know quality work takes time but this just seems unreal.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
More on My House
I don't know about this Guido guy. The work he has done so far seem high quality but so slow. Once again yesterday he told Jim he would be finished in 2 weeks. I just don't understand how that can happen. The master bath is not complete yet and tomorrow is the end of the first week. He still has hallway, family room, kitchen, fireplace and entry to do. I am afraid this guy will be here till Christmas. I don't know how he can make a living with the amount he bid the job at.
I am finding it difficult to get much done as well. The guy is afraid of dogs so I spend a lot of my day keeping my dog and him apart. Patches has always been a house dog and is wondering why I keep throwing him out in the backyard all day. Even with food water and treats he cries and barks to come in and can keep that up for hours. I started taking crocheting projects outside and sitting with him. Does this sound silly-trying to keep a dog calm and quiet? If I come in the house then Guido wants to start talking which keeps him and me from getting anything done. I would rather he go faster and I stay with the dog and crochet. Besides I like my dog better.
The picture above is Jim not Guido taking out the kitchen floor. Removal and hauling away was supposed to be part of the job. At this point I think Jim will do anything to speed up the process so we pulled carpet, laminate floor, vinyl, baseboards and tack strips and hauled it all away. Patches didn't mind because he got to watch this part of the job.
God I hope this doesn't turn into the disaster I am afraid it will be and please let the Guido be done and gone by Thanksgiving because I am not silly enough to think that 2 weeks is going to happen.
I am finding it difficult to get much done as well. The guy is afraid of dogs so I spend a lot of my day keeping my dog and him apart. Patches has always been a house dog and is wondering why I keep throwing him out in the backyard all day. Even with food water and treats he cries and barks to come in and can keep that up for hours. I started taking crocheting projects outside and sitting with him. Does this sound silly-trying to keep a dog calm and quiet? If I come in the house then Guido wants to start talking which keeps him and me from getting anything done. I would rather he go faster and I stay with the dog and crochet. Besides I like my dog better.
The picture above is Jim not Guido taking out the kitchen floor. Removal and hauling away was supposed to be part of the job. At this point I think Jim will do anything to speed up the process so we pulled carpet, laminate floor, vinyl, baseboards and tack strips and hauled it all away. Patches didn't mind because he got to watch this part of the job.
God I hope this doesn't turn into the disaster I am afraid it will be and please let the Guido be done and gone by Thanksgiving because I am not silly enough to think that 2 weeks is going to happen.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Update on the Floor
Over the weekend things moved along. Jim can't stand just watching so he got busy taking out the laminate floor and the sheet vinyl in the kitchen and dining area. Guido continued in the master bath. This morning there are a few pieces left to do in there and then grouting and sealing. After that the living area and hallway work will start. Yesterday we watched football games on a small tv in our bedroom. It feels like we are living in a studio apartment.
Happy Monday!
Over the weekend things moved along. Jim can't stand just watching so he got busy taking out the laminate floor and the sheet vinyl in the kitchen and dining area. Guido continued in the master bath. This morning there are a few pieces left to do in there and then grouting and sealing. After that the living area and hallway work will start. Yesterday we watched football games on a small tv in our bedroom. It feels like we are living in a studio apartment.
Happy Monday!
Mini Monday
What is a Mini Monday? Well a mini is a tool that Etsy sellers have to make small photo versions of their shops or the shops of others. Every other week I will be featuring an Etsy seller using an Etsy mini on the Etsy Bloggers Team Blog.
This weeks featured team member is Sixth and Elm and you can take a look at the post by using the blog link above. Go on take a look and let us know what you think. We love comments.
This weeks featured team member is Sixth and Elm and you can take a look at the post by using the blog link above. Go on take a look and let us know what you think. We love comments.
etsy bloggers,
featured seller,
mini monday,
sixth and elm
Friday, October 26, 2007
My House
This is my house as of 9 pm last night. Carpeting is gone in the master bath, family room and hallway. The laminate floor in the kitchen and dining area is going too. Replacing it will be a travertine tile floor. I and very excited about this however I may be living this way for as long as 2 weeks depending on how the job goes. The tile work in the bathroom started this morning. A guy named Guido is doing it. He seems to be doing beautiful work and sets each tile in place like a diamond in a ring. That is good for quality but may not be so good for speed. I will keep you informed about progress and my sanity as this goes on to hopefully and happy completion.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Why I Went to Utah

I was away from home earlier this month for about a week and a half. The reason was a new grandson in Utah. His name is Kaleb James. He certainly is a peaceful little baby although I am sure he has his moments. Babies just never seem to get to upset around grandma's though. Do you think that might be inborn instinct? Anyway here are some pictures of him from a visit with grandpa and grandma.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Sources of Inspiration

I also make use of some of the newer books in my collection. I have 2 of Vogue's Stitchionaries and I have found them to be a lot of fun. As you can see here I am using the chevron rib to make the red scarf that may end up in my Etsy shop. Then again I may just keep it for myself. Everyone needs a bit of power red in their wardrobe. I haven't finished it so I haven't decided. The pattern is a 16 row repeat so it is a bit more complicated than I usually do but the resulting texture is very pleasing and worth the effort and concentration I think.
Quilting, like knitting and crocheting, has been a part of my life for a long time. I got started on it by watching Georgia Bonesteel's PBS series. I have a few of her books. Her one block at a time method fit my life at the time with apartment living and three small children. I also made use of the "Quilt in a Day series when I helped a Navy wives group make a raffle quilt each year to help support communities events for kids like a breakfast with Santa Claus. I have shown in the top picture my latest quilt block book. Just looking through it puts me in idea overload.
I know the blog carnival topic was "Craft Bible" but I am a Gemini with crafting ADD so I just have to share more than one. Thanks for reading. If you want to read more posts on this topic from other bloggers you can use the blog carnival link on the left to take you to them.
blog carnival,
craft bible,
etsy bloggers,
Friday, October 19, 2007
Saturday Soccer Game
This is my oldest grandchild at a Saturday morning soccer game. She is the one with the ponytail and black headband. Kaycee started playing soccer this year and seems to be enjoying it. I like the idea of kids in sports. Learning how to play within the structure of the rules of a sport and as part of a team can be a positive experience for a child. I had been hearing about her practices and games for awhile now when we chat online. I was happy to be able to be at a game to cheer her on.
When I am not there the pictures below show her regular cheerleaders. They are mom Tammy, brother Tristan and dad Jason. Even with the cloudy sky and little bits of rain it was a fun morning being all together to see Kaycee and her teammates play even if Tristan's face isn't quite showing that.
First of the Travel Pictures
Until Later,
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Back Home
We got home from our trip to Utah yesterday. It was wonderful to see all our kids and grandkids. Meeting the newest grandchild was the reason for the trip and well worth it. On the way home we took our time and drove through Zion National Park and then to Sedona and then home. I took lots of pictures of people and places and will start posting them tomorrow. I came home with a cold and today I am very tired.
Until tomorrow,
Thursday, October 4, 2007
So Peaceful

I don't think there is anything on this earth that looks more peaceful than a sleeping baby. Of course we have a new person in our family to show off with a picture to illustrate this theory of mine. I hear he has lots of hair under that hat.
Comments are welcomed, appreciated and looked forward to.
Grandma Kathy
Kaleb James
Born at 8:56 pm, 8 lbs. 8 oz, 20 1/2 inches long.
Isn't he cute. This is from a phone camera and I have been promised more pictures.
I just love grandkids. All of them (6 now) are so much fun!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
He is Here
I don't have pictures but we just got a phone call that our newest grandson is here. He is Kaleb James, born this evening weighing 8 lbs. 8 oz. His father, my son James, tells me that mother and baby are doing well. Jim and I will get to see him this weekend along with a visit to my daughters and their families.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Love Digital Photography
Digital photographs have saved me from a life with no pictures. Jim and I owned several film cameras years ago. Our big failure was getting the film developed. I just never seemed to get done. It makes me sad to think of all the shots that turned to garbage on rolls of film that were never developed.
When digital cameras came along I was so excited. I could have pictures! They could be printed by myself or professionals or used on a computer to email or have screen savers of my life that were just fun to sit and watch.
When digital cameras came along I was so excited. I could have pictures! They could be printed by myself or professionals or used on a computer to email or have screen savers of my life that were just fun to sit and watch.
As an example of memories, the picture above is one. That is my granddaughter in her first big girl nightgown and slippers. She was so fascinated with the slippers! She kept looking down at her feet all morning. She loved them and I hear it may have started a thing with her about shoes. My daughter tells me she wants her shoes put on every morning when she gets dressed.
The picture of the scarf was taken inside with flash.
Not counting cameras in phones we have owned 4 digital cameras. One Kodak, a Casio and two Nikons. Of those four the Nikons are my favorites. We have a Nikon Cool Pix which is slim, lightweight and great to take along on a trip for snapshots. The other is a Nikon D70. It is a heavier digital SLR camera. I use it a lot on a tripod for product photos for my online products as you can see in the photos above. It has a wonderful flash system that does well for inside shots. However I have learned that the best pictures are still outdoors in natural light which we have plenty of here in Arizona. I learn something new every time I use it. Nikon has a new camera. It is theNikon D300which I think may be worth checking out since I have been so pleased with other Nikon products.
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