Sometimes on Saturday mornings Jim and I go to a casino. They are usually quiet on weekend mornings before about 10 a.m. and we like it that way. This morning we went to the Apache Gold Casino in Globe, Arizona. I like to play video poker. This place has machines that you can play on amounts from pennies on up. This morning I was playing nickels and played for several hours before it took the money I had put in it. I knew that it would be time to head for home soon so I put in the last of what I had budgeted for the morning and changed to playing quarters. I figured I was in budget if I lost or possibly a good 4 of a kind and I'd walk out even. I was down to $20 left in the machine when it dealt me four to a royal flush. If you play video poker you have seen a few of these yourself. I figured if it went as usual I may get a pair or if lucky a straight or flush. Anyway from the title of the post you should have figured what happened. I got a $1000 Royal Flush! So cool! I just love it when they have to come pay me!
As for the Tammy part of the title - that is my daughter that checks this blog often. She never leaves a comment though. Hi Tammy!
These are pictures from Easter a few years ago. Tammy came up with a tropical theme for our Easter meal and it was a lot of fun.

Tammy is on the right in the first picture. She is standing between her sister Cindy and her dad, Jim. The picture on the right is of my sons in law. Tammy's husband, Jason, is the guy in the hula skirt. Cindy's husband, Kevon, is the other guy in the baseball cap. I thought Jason might really appreciate the picture.
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