Wednesday, June 2, 2021

More Handmade from My Past

I guess when it comes to crafts I want to know a little about all of them. Over the years I have done embroidery, leatherwork, quilting, tatting, knitting, crocheting, tole or folk art painting, sewing clothes, a tiny bit of beading, and poured greenware in a ceramics shop. I don't really consider myself a master of any but am probably most skilled in crochet. I consider myself a life long learner and there are more skills to tackle in all of those I mentioned. This attitude is one of the biggest reasons I am never bored. There is always something to make or a book to read. Heaven would be doing both at the same time but I haven't been able to pull that off yet. 

There was a time (70's or 80's?) when crewel embroidery was very popular and of course I tried it. This technique, as I learned it, was a way to paint a picture with yarn. The instructions in the kit guided you on how to do specialty stitches to bring more details to your finished project. It is a bit hard to tell but the center of the flowers are fuzzy little that is one of the things I learned how to do working on this project.

I am trying to figure out if I want to hang this in our new house. I am considering putting it over my computer table so I can see it every day. Jim and I share our office room. We each pretty much have half the room. His side has red, white and blue and Navy memorabilia so I guess a bit of softness and nature will be good on my side.

Back with more again soon. Take care and stay cozy!