Thursday, May 29, 2008

What a Month

This has bee a month of big ups and downs.

I have had my blog and shop featured on nearly 50 other blogs and it has been so much fun to read and thank everyone with Etsy Minis. I have more of them to do but I am waiting until this weekend when my month of fame ends.

I got to go to Utah to visit grandkids and see soccer games and preschool graduations and celebrate a birthday.

On the down side I had to go get some major dental work started that is expensive and not much fun. I needed to see a doctor to get prescriptions renewed. I remember when I used to think that getting old was when you had to take pills every day for something. Well I have been there for a few years now.

My faithful old minivan died at 186000 miles and we donated it to the Kidney Foundation. To replace it we got a Hyundai Santa Fe. It is not as big but that is okay. You still are up higher in it than a car which I like and the gas mileage is decent.

Jim has had a terrible cough and won't slow down. He finally went to a doctor and was told he has pneumonia. Of course he called to say this as he was off to another meeting rather than resting to get better.

What a month!

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